BNP workers block multiple highways against tense situation in Wadh, Balochistan

The workers of Balochistan National Party (BNP) on Monday initiated protests, leading to the suspension of traffic on multiple major highways in Balochistan. The affected highways include the Karachi-Quetta, Quetta-Taftan, and Quetta-Sibi routes, causing inconvenience to transport services.

The ongoing protest stems from the tense situation prevailing in the town of Wadh, where supporters of BNP head, Sardar Akhtar Mengal, and his rival, Shafique Mengal, have taken opposing positions against each other. The deep-rooted animosity between the two factions has escalated to the point where mass demonstrations have disrupted normal life in the region. Several days ago, Balochistan's Home Minister, Mir Zia Langove, visited Wadh

in an attempt to defuse the tensions. However, despite the minister's efforts to mediate between the rival groups, the situation remains highly charged and unsettled. Wadh, situated in Balochistan's Khuzdar district, has recently gained attention at the national level.

The matter was discussed in the National Assembly, prompting the Speaker to direct Defense Minister Khwaja Asif to take necessary measures to restore law and order in the area.

BNP leaders allege that Shafique Mengal is involved in running a death squad, while Mengal's supporters accuse the BNP of supporting outlawed organizations with anti-state agendas. These allegations and counter-allegations have exacerbated the tensions between the two factions, fueling the ongoing protests and disrupting daily life in the affected areas.

The BNP protest has caught the attention of both the public and the authorities, highlighting the urgent need for a resolution to prevent further deterioration of the situation. Law enforcement agencies have been mobilized to monitor the protests and ensure public safety.

Latest informations suggest that keeping in view the miseries of public and passengers BNP has decided to open the highways. Following this decision RCD highway in Hub connecting Balochistan with Karachi was reopened for traffic first. Followed by it, all blocked highways later opened for traffic.
